Registration are open for session 2024
NDA, CDS, AFCAT, XI-XII With NDA foundation
Our Training Team
Vinay Bhabhra is an Engineering graduate from Malviya Regional Engineering College (M.R.E.C.) Jaipur in 1996 presently known as M.N.I.T. Jaipur.
His focus is to develop logical thinking, creative learning and conceptual understanding to crack defence entrance examination. He has vast experience in “how to crack written examination” in defence services.
He has been providing guidance for these examinations for last twelve years. Due to his efforts and god’s blessing more than 800 candidates have cleared written examinations.

Col. Joginender Singh Chouhan
(Ex. GTO)
Col. J.S. Chouhan was commissioned in Rajputana Rifles in Indian Army. He also got an opportunity to serve as group testing officer at service selection board centres for three year and a half. He has been associated for the guidance of NDA/NA, CDS, AFCAT and Graduate entry for last fifteen years. He has been guiding candidates for Army, Navy and Air-force for S.S.B. He has gained vast experience and insight in the selection system. Due to god’s blessings and his efforts more then 1000 boys and 80 girls have got commissioned in various institutions of defence services.

Er. Vinay Bhabhra
(Mentor of NDA Maths)